Setting up a tank mainly containing moss involves several stages of work and a lot of patience. What matters is an interesting idea and the right approach to each species of moss, if you decide on several at the same time. After all, this is not an impossible task, even for a beginner. It is enough to arrange everything in the aquarium step by step, ensure proper lighting and temperature inside, and after a few weeks the moss will grow rocks and smaller stones in the tank. Of course, it's easier to write than to do but with this short instruction, hopefully you’ll go through the whole process in a blink of an eye.
What is the result of setting up such an aquarium? First of all, great satisfaction, as well as a beautiful decoration at home. After all, a living aquatic ecosystem that actually "breathes" 24 hours a day every day is something extraordinary. It cannot be denied that this is the first step to aquascaping, although it does not have to be the last. Often, lovers of aquarium decoration decide to develop more mosses. Why is this happening? Because such a rich in moss aquarium is something that can be made endlessly, and if you get bored with this decoration after a while, you can disassemble it and rearrange it with additional moss of a different species, new rocks and a variety of substrates.
Setting up
We will start with writing down the most necessary things to set up such an aquarium. As you may have guessed, moss, roots and sand alone are not enough. You need many other elements and even specialized devices used in traditional aquariums. Below is a complete list of the necessary things to create your first mossarium.
-Aquarium - an essential element, but there is a dilemma as to which option to choose. The size doesn't really matter here, until you decide to add fish or shrimp in it.
-Lamp, filter and heater - the basic equipment of every aquarium. The lamp and the heater will help the vegetation to grow properly, and the filter will clean the water of all impurities and microorganisms. They provide optimal conditions for development.
-Stones, moss, skeleton roots - Responsible for the arrangement of the aquarium in which your moss will be the most important. Find out about the different types a little later in our blog.
-Quick setting Mortar - Necessary for obvious reasons. If you want to create a mossarium, you need rocks and roots to which you attach the moss. By the way, an appropriate rock composition always introduces an interesting atmosphere to the aquarium.
-Fishing line or thread - Use it to attach the moss to the skeleton roots, which will be directly on the rocks. This is the best way to combine moss with rocks. During growth, it will start to "stick" to the stones by itself.
At the beginning, you will also need a good idea and a lot of patience. It can be worthwhile laying everything out dry. Creating your layout (including the moss) outside of the aquarium beforehand will allow you to see what works best before placing it in the aquarium where it can be difficult to make small changes. Once you are happy with the placement of everything, simply recreate it inside your aquarium. Remember to be patient. You will have to wait a few weeks for your new creation to take shape.
Moss - why is it worth choosing?
In an ordinary aquarium, it is not only an interesting decoration, but also a shelter for fish. Many species love to hide in it, and some spawn in it. However, this text is about setting up an aquarium full of moss so we will focus primarily on the aesthetic qualities of aquarium moss and its types.
There are many species of moss on the market that work well in aquariums. They differ mainly in appearance and the way of their care, which should be remembered before and after the purchase. Specialist stores offer moss separately and in ready-made compositions at your disposal. We recommend the one proposed separately for the mossarium, because later it will be easier for you to see the entire finish.
Species of moss suitable for your aquarium
-China moss (Vesicularia sp.) - a new species that is gaining popularity due to its minimalist style and character. Its appearance resembles small mounds delicately covered with leaves. These are small, and thus - they are easy to care for. It is undoubtedly a good choice for beginners but be aware that fish are unlikely to find shelter in it.
-Singapore moss (Vesicularia dubyana) - as its name suggests, comes from Asia. However, you will find it in pet stores around the world. It is easy to grow, therefore it is recommended to all beginner aquarists. Importantly, it does not require a lot of light. Too much lighting can lead to faster algae growth. This moss is recommended for both planted and fish aquariums. The large leaves allow the fish to hide and spawn.
-Christmas moss (Vesicularia montagnei) - a very effective moss resembling a Christmas tree (hence its name). It is easy to maintain and care for, and with regular fertilization and adequate lighting, it grows quickly and efficiently.
-Weeping moss(Vesicularia ferriei) - comes from South America. Its color and shape resemble a weeping willow, which is again visible in its name. This species needs medium light intensity, carbon dioxide fertilization and regular trimming of twigs.
It should be underlined that aquarium moss is generally an undemanding plant. It is enough to stick to a few strict rules and the moss will grow without any problems. The aquarium should be placed away from the window so that you have full control of the sunlight. Remember to fertilize regularly, pay attention to the fact that some species are fertilized with carbon dioxide and others with specialized fertilizers. Trim the moss as much as possible, this way you will not only give it the right shape, but also affect the density of the leaves. It is worth introducing algae eaters and shrimps to your mossarium from time to time - they will clean the moss of all impurities.
Setting up a moss aquarium step by step?
It's simple, start with hardscape, that is, arranging stones using any technique. Let it be stable and with an idea. Use a quick setting mortar for taller rocks. When you arrange the hardscape, add a substrate, such as sand. The next step is to glue the skeleton roots to the stones. These small stalks will act as a stabilizer for the plants. The moss will easily attach to the twigs, although this will take some time. Initially, you should use a fishing line or a self-dissolving thread to attach the moss to the roots. After the plants are tied, all that remains is to sprinkle the substrate with a sprinkler and pour water over the mossarium. Of course, don't forget to connect all your equipment. At the end you have to be patient and wait for the results of your work. After just two or three weeks, you will notice the difference in the size of the moss. After about six weeks to two months, the changes will be really visible and will definitely make you smile. We encourage you to create a mossarium according to the described rules. However, we want you to decide for yourself about the arrangement of the stones and the moss itself. After all, creativity counts in the whole construction! We are convinced that you will deal with it, it is not difficult, as well as the care of the mossarium itself.
There is more to moss than moss balls